Civil disobedience
Click on photo for best view of chicken-licken, stage left.
(snapped in Caesar Street, Beaconsfield, beside Bruce Lee Oval)
Labels: Galah
Alongside monkeys, and badly behaved meerkats, parrots must be the craziest creatures on earth. Wherever wild parrots scrounge, squawk, lounge or talk, we'll be there to catch them in the act.
Click on photo for best view of chicken-licken, stage left.
Labels: Galah
This ravenous creature has been immortalised in textile beside the Hyde Park lake, in London, Guv.
Labels: Parrot art, Scaly-breasted lorikeet
This cranky-looking thing is painted on the side of a bridge in Lyon, France.
Labels: Alexandrine parrot?, Parrot art